October 23, 2006
But The Boys Get To!

It is pretty chilly outside this morning. I need to go buy L'il C some winter school uniforms. Currently she only has short sleeve shirts and one long sleeve shirt that is relatively thin. So, this morning while getting her dressed I put a little white shirt on underneath her blue long sleeve shirt. She then proceeds to tell me that if she gets hot later she is going to take the blue (uniform) shirt off.

"Uhm.....no. That is your uniform. You have to wear it."

"But mom, if I get hot at nap time I will need to take it off."

"Sweetheart, it is very cold outside. You won't get hot today."

"But the boys get to take off their shirts when they are hot!" (read in pouty 5 year old voice)

....First of all, it is now winter. Second, you are clearly not a boy!


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