August 22, 2007
100 Things About Me and Things I like
Since a part of me is A.D.D. (J/K!) I only read things that are short and catchy....Lengthy things I tend to scan and skip stuff. I don't buy long mooshy cards because I don't want to read what it says. I buy cards that are short and sweet! :) A while back all of my favorite bloggers made a list of 100 things about them. I plan to do the same thing... 10 items at a time. (It took me 7 months to make this list and I won't be sad if you can't read them all due to your A.D.D.! HA!)
1. I own my own business with Mary Kay Cosmetics.
2. St. Patrick's Day is my favorite holiday.
3. Green is my favorite color.
4. I collect 4 leaf clovers and shamrocks.
5. All I really want to do is travel the world.
6. I am a social butterfly!
7. I am a procrastinator.
8. I am a Christian.
9. I love to sit and watch people. (I get told frequently by non people watchers to stop staring at others!) :)
10. I am not the best driver.
11. I love movies.
12. I love to laugh!
13. I do not laugh quietly.
14. I went to Ireland for my honeymoon.
15. I had to drive in Ireland because my husband was too young.
16. I have three beautiful children.
17. I love being a mom. They are #1 in my life.
18. Fall is my favorite time of year.
19. I love to cuddle.
20. I love tender kisses especially on the forehead and cheek.
21. I am sarcastic.
22. It was a characteristic developed in me from years of getting my feelings hurt.
23. I am shy and quiet when I am not in my comfort zone.
24. Compassion and empathy are my strong points.
25. Late should be my middle name.
26. I am a leader.
27. I love P.F. Changs Orange Peeled Beef.
28. I love to travel.
29. I have been to Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisianna, Mississippi, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, Old Mexico, and Ireland.
30. I keep a day planner to stay organized. It is always full.
31. I love to eat graham crackers and milk. (soak 'em till they're soggy)
32. I broke my left wrist the summer before my 6th grade year.
33. ...attempting to dance on roller skates.
34. I have lived in 3 different states.
35. and 7 different cities.
36. I went to college for 3 semesters.....I am back and on my 6th semester!
37. Changed my major 3 times.
38. Never learned to swim.
39. I had too many ear infections as a child and I don't like my ears wet.
40. I would rather lay out in a pool on a raft than get in the water.
41. I am afraid of falling from heights.
42. I wanted to be a teacher when I was little so I could use a red ink pen to grade papers.
43. I don't like the word vacuum, it usually ends up with too many c's.
44. There are times when I misspell words. However, for the most part when I read anything, the corrections that need to be made leap off of the page at me.
45. It is annoying to people when I read their work. (especially my sister...but she does it to me too)
46. I love my sister.
47. It took her 26 years to realize it.
48. She is my best friend.
49. She is the only one that gets me and my jokes.
50. But this isn't 100 things about her. :)
51. Stargazer Lillies are my favorite.
52. But I accept all flowers given for any or no reason at all.
53. I love the fair.
54. ...especially the food.
55. I love sitting by a fireplace.
56. ...preferably with ones I love.
57. I love candles....but most scents give me headaches. :(
58. I like tender kisses from my husband and kids.
59. Chanel Chance was one of my most favorite perfumes!
60. As well as Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue.
61. I can make a W with my tongue.
62. I love to play in make-up.
63. Hence why that is now my career.
64. I snuggle bunny with my children every night and have since L'il C was in a toddler bed.
65. I don't have a very good imagination when it comes to entertaining kids.
66. But I will love the snot out of them if they will let me hold them.
67. I have been told I could be a stand-up comedian for my quick wit and sarcasm.
68. Personally, I think it is only spur of the moment and random.
69. I have also been told I would be an awesome attorney because I love to argue my point and usually persuade the opposing party to take my side.
70. And if I can't do it by my argument, I bat my blue eyes. LOL!
71. My eyes and smile are what I get the most compliments on.
72. I love baking.
73. I have a birthmark in the shape of a leaf on the inside of my right knee.
74. I wear 5 1/2 and some 6 size shoes.
75. I like flying in airplanes, despite my fear of heights.
76. I love listening to live bands at a coffee house, restaurant, or concert.
77. Music is a must in my life.
78. The year I was born.
79. I like doing word searches and Sodoku puzzles.
80. I am an optomist but I have a sense of reality.
81. I learn best by doing something myself.
82. I try to learn from my mistakes.
83. Illustrations and pictures are huge in my world.
84. I am a very forgiving person. (but don't lie to me or about me. I will forgive you but decline association with you and stick to it.)
85. I have had my heart broken.
86. It has been mended.
87. I have loved and been loved whole heartedly since.
88. The bad that has been dished out to me in my lifetime won't ever be repaid to those people by me. I am not about revenge.
89. I like to be challenged.
90. I don't like confrontation. (There is a difference.)
91. I love romance.
92. I believe fairytale endings could come true.
93. I realized recently it is okay to date someone younger than me. (I married him.)
94. and that he can love me no matter what I have been through or done.
95. He is amazing. (to say the least)
96. Faithfulness and Honesty are something I am loyal too.
97. Time travel interests me.
98. I love cookouts.
99. I love to be surrounded by friends.
100. I love who I am and I'm proud to be me.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:45 AM
hollibobolli had this to say:
If we get together - I'll drive!
I was going to put your latest meme on my blog.. but -
crap, child calls.. will come fill in this meme in a sec.
- 12:51 AM
Amy had this to say:
You are right about not being the best driver, but I love your oboisterous laugh. :)
- 6:36 AM
Just Me had this to say:
I bet your a fun person to hang out with. It's okay to be a people watcher - I love to do it.
love the list so far.
- 10:28 AM
Amy had this to say:
So when are we going to get the next 10??
- 2:15 PM
soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:
Okay, we are going to need a little more dirt that that!!!
- 5:42 AM
Amy had this to say:
It would take me FOREVER to list all the ones we have in common, I'll just say "Ditto." LOL
Good job. I enjoyed reading this. :)
- 12:47 PM
Just Me had this to say:
Great list! Glad that you got all 100 done!
** And I added the names of the bands I'll be going to see on Sept 7th on my blog, since you can't see the youtube videos**
- 9:14 AM
doug had this to say:
#9 and #25 are so true. Was in the car when you hit the yellow post(thank God for them) at the gas pump. And i am sure everyone know what 72 was. lol
- 10:11 AM
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