November 12, 2007
Field Trip
Mr. C and I went to the zoo today with his little sister and her 2nd grade class. Appartently our zoo is number 1 nationally but I had no idea. I never really thought it was spectacular. But it is nice enough.
Tigers are my absolute favorite animal. The black and white tiger wins hands down in my book but our zoo only has two orange and black Siberian Tigers. They are beautiful.
I could have stood there all day and watched them because for once they were actually walking around and playing. One even got in the water and played around for a bit. In my opinion though they do not have near enough room to move around.

There were 2 baby chimps. They were fun to watch. They would swing out a bit and then clench to the web for dear life. Then they would go out a bit further and come back to safety.
This crazy thing was snorting around outside in a fence:
Mr. C nonchalantly walked over and said, "Mom! Get out of there!" It was kind of funny.
His sister wanted to play on the playground more than she cared to look at the animals, as do most kids.
We had a nice time though. It was a very pleasant day and a vacation day that was definitely needed!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:35 AM
Candice had this to say:
I love going to the zoo. It always makes me sad in a way, though. Because the animals just don't look very happy. But it is definately worth it to go with kids.
- 7:59 PM
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