October 30, 2007
Halloween with The REAL Ariel!
The first few years of L'il C's life I had to pick the costume she wore. It is so much more fun now that she is old enough to give her opinion and to pick her own. She told me a month ago that she wanted to be Ariel. Instead of her keeping an itchy red wig on all night (which she wouldn't do) I thought it would be fun (after a suggestion from my sister) to color her hair red. (temporary)
She has been more excited about her hair being red than actually dressing up as Ariel. She tells everyone she sees that I am coloring her hair red. Doesn't tell them why, doesn't tell them it is temporary. Simply, "My mom is coloring my hair red!"
I have had more people come up to me (teacher, school friends, church friends, etc.) asking me if I am really going to color her hair red.
But, we did do it and it was fun.......I covered her in a black trash bag (with a hole to stick her head through) and took her out in the front yard. I wore yucky clothes and put on rubber gloves. I spent more on the back trying to color it that I really didn't have quite enough to color the front. OOPS.
I gave her a few minutes to let the color dry. Then we went inside to put on her costume.
Let's just say, that stuff really never dried.....
My hands were red, her hairbrush was red, I touched my face and it was red, she touched her face and it was red, her neck was red, her jacket was red, my cell phone is red....... Oh well it looked good, by golly!
We went trick or treating at the zoo. They have what is called Hallozooween. It wasn't crowded when we first got there and it was still daylight. We rode the train. L'il C loves riding the train. Then we made our way around the candy stops.
As it grew dark, a lot more people came. We were glad we hit most of the candy stops before the crowd. :)
There was a kiddie fun house that she wanted to go through and we she came out she wasn't smiling. I asked her what was wrong. She said, "That wasn't very fun." HA! I guess she has outgrown the kiddie stops!
She asked to go to the Haunted House. I told her that Haunted meant they were going to try and scare her. I made sure she knew that they were NOT going to hurt her but they would jump out at her. She said, "That's okay. I want to go. Come on."
I said, "I don't like to be scared. Are you sure you want to go in there?"
Her - "Come on mom! I will hold your hand!"
Needless to say, aside from the car honking at us right when we walked in, it really wasn't scary. Whew! (I HATE -empasized strongly - to be scared.)
Another funny thing L'il C made me laugh about:
When we were walking by the petting zoo I made comment about how nasty it smelled. She casually said, "Well then, it is a good thing I didn't toot or it would smell WAY Worse!"
Here are a couple of pictures I took before we left. One of them made her hair look pink, but it was a very true red.

A little girl at the zoo wanted her picture taken with "the real Ariel" but L'il C was kind of quiet last night and didn't really want her picture taken with the little girl. But after that, that was all I heard about! "Mom, that little girl thought I was the REAL ARIEL!!!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:36 AM
Amy had this to say:
YAY!! Glad she had such a good time! And LOVED her toot comment. :)
- 9:35 AM
Catrina had this to say:
How cute! You are a brave woman! I'd be so scared that the color would never come out! I have to agree...the toot comment was pretty hilarious!
- 7:28 AM
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