November 16, 2007
Too Much Guitar Hero??
I haven't played Guitar Hero all that much (actually 3 times total) but I catch myself trying to SINGLE OUT the guitar in the songs I listen to.... to the point where I don't even hear the words of the song. Hmmph!
Have you played this game yet? It is actually most fun and very addicting! The first time I got booed off the stage but now I usually get high 85%-94%!! Not bad for someone who has only played 3 times!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:42 AM
Amy had this to say:
I have never you have this game??? If you do, don't tell Mike, or I'll never see my husband. :)
- 8:02 AM
Candice had this to say:
I've neard that game is really fun but I don't know anyone that has it. What system is it for - the WII?
- 8:50 AM
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