September 15, 2008
Gift Registries: Insulting or Helpful?

I was standing in line at Walmart the other day and the lady in front of me is discussing gift registries with the lady scanning her purchases. Both of them were ranting about how insulting and ridiculous gift registries were. "I can't stand [gift registries]. I think they are presumptious and I should be able to get them what I want." This came from the lady in front of me.

Here are my thoughts on the matter:

Gift registries are a guideline of what the individual/couple want or need. It is a helpful hint for those poor souls (like myself) who have no idea where to start! It is also helpful to the individual/couple to keep from getting a lot of junk that piles up because no one knew what to get them.

A wide variety of price options and gifts are best for the registry. Some people may not have a lot of money to spend but would still like to buy something. On the other hand some people may have more money than they know what to do with and are pleased to buy you new furniture. Ha ha! (I am not sure where those people are yet, but I will send them your way when I find them.)

For the people with no money to sit back and scoff because "how dare they register for something so expensive" is ridiculous because some people may not want to buy a $100 worth of clothes pins and hangers. :)

I am not trying to be on a soapbox because I am getting married. I was just wondering if I am the only one that thinks this way. Because frankly even if you register it is an option and not everyone is going to go by it anyway. I have received several gifts already that were not on my registry and some were pretty inventive. Cheers to people that can think on their own. I am not one of them.

Blogger Amy had this to say:

I think they are VERY helpful...especially baby registries--for people like me who know absolutely NOTHING about buying for babies. :)

5:20 AM 

Blogger Candice had this to say:

I totally agree with you. Registering for gifts is so helpful. Especially when the couple is on a second marriage or is older, because they probably already have the basics. Why waste money on something that they are just going to put in their re-gift pile?

3:33 PM 

Blogger doug had this to say:

I love them, beacause I NEVER know what to get someone. But then again that is probably most men.

10:04 AM 

Blogger LITTLE MISS had this to say:

I didn't want to register for my wedding because I was worried about conversations just like that one...

but it's something that I've always regretted -TREMENDOUSLY. Opening all of the gifts people spent money on (which were so useless to a new young married couple) and all the giant coolers we received (I kid you not SIX coolers!!)and unpacking all of our belongings into our new apartment and realizing we had NOTHING we needed.

"we have no dishes. But hey! maybe we could drink out of this giant crystal vase!"

bottom line, people who feel like those old ladies will just toss the registry info aside and get you whatever THEY feel YOU need, and the rest of us will be grateful to be putting our money to good use (knowing you won't be holding a garage sale to recoup some of the money you desperately need by pawning off the picnic coolers)

1:41 PM 

Blogger Starr had this to say:

I am a fan of the registry. I think it's a generational thing, because my grandmother never uses them and just buys what she wants. Sometimes she gets a hit, sometimes a miss. Ha!

11:26 AM 

Blogger Just Me had this to say:

I totally agree with you. I've worked at enough retail stores to realize that the bright orange towel that your aunt martha got you isn't everyones style. The registry is a great guideline. When I find out someone is getting married or having a baby the first thing I do is look for a registry. I love seeing what they register for. And you can get it from that store or hunt for a bargin, but the bottom line is you have an idea of what they need.

9:16 PM 

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