November 05, 2008
Kylemore Abbey and Connors Pass

The next day we took off from Galway again in an attempt to view the Kylemore Abbey. We decided to take the scenic route. Little did we know that it rained so hard that 1/4 of a mile before the Abbey the road was closed due to flooding. We ended up having to take an even longer detour back around.

These pictures were just taken along the way.

There are sheep everywhere!

After we took the extended way around the countryside to the Kylemore Abbey this was as close as we could get. It was closed.......due to flooding there was no way to get there! That figures! It was absolutely beautiful from here though.

This was just some random church Brad liked.

I recommend taking Connors Pass. It is beautiful. However, if you need to go to the bathroom you should go before you get on the road. It is windy mountainside for miles and you may end up having to stop here and go behind the dirt. ha ha!

This rock wall reminded me of a scene from Robin Hood Prince of Theives!

Brad found an enormous slug!
As we came around the corner we found this really pretty waterfall and a place to park and decided to stop. There were other cars stopping and we noticed a boy climbing up the mountain. The lady that had parked next to us introduced herself and said that was her son climbing up. She said there was a hidden lake a little ways up and recommended that we go see it!

So we did.....

Can you see the sheep climbing on the side of the mountain?

Definitely worth going up to see. The girl said that they have not been able to find the bottom of the lake!


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