November 06, 2006
Excuse me, but when did 5 year olds start caring about personal hygiene? !L'il C told me that she was sweaty and smelled like onions. I thought maybe she had heard this from one of her older friends. So I checked for evidence. Sure enough....ONIONS!So the next day after her bath, in jest, I asked her if she wanted some of my deoderant. She did. The day after that when she got out of the bath, I dressed her. We were fixing her hair and she looked at me in horror! "Mom, you forgot my durr-roderunt!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:27 AM
Amy had this to say:
LOL! Durr-roderunt, that's a new one. :)
- 7:57 AM
LITTLE MISS had this to say:
how funny! i love the things kids say.
and btw, I LOST YOUR BLOG!! this whole non linking thing really messes me up! Just kidding.
I'm all caught up, and I love the internet shopping cartoon!! LMAO.
- 1:10 PM
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