July 30, 2007
Disappearing Pets!
Three pets down to Zero! First of all, I don't like pets. They are too much work and they stink. With a ton of resistance I bought my daughter 2 African Dwarf frogs and a Beta Fish for her 5th Birthday. One of the Frogs died the day after its 14-day warranty expired! HA! However Fishy Fishy and Froggy Froggy have been alive and kickin' for the last year and a half. Until now.....I have a weekly tank cleaning routine. I take the fish and frog out of the 2 gallon tank and put them in a large mixing bowl with water. It is an overnight process for the water to get the temperature needed. Every week for over two years I have had the same process.Last month, the frog literally disappeared! Now, I know it is physically possible for the little guy to have jumped out so I looked all over my kitchen counter, in my sink, on the floor, behind the canisters, on the stove....EVERYWHERE! The.frog.was.gone!Last night before I went to bed I fed Fishy Fishy. This morning HE.WAS.GONE!!!! I'm talkin' Vamoos! Vanished! He was in his 2 gallon fish tank last night and this morning he was NOT!Now I KNOW that stupid fish is not physically capable of jumping out, but I looked all over my kitchen counter, in my sink, on the floor, behind the canisters, on the stove....EVERYWHERE! The.fish.was.gone!Now as much as I would prefer to believe it is magic and they just went POOF..... my dad thinks a more realistic explanation would be that a snake got into my house. Not.what.I.wanted.to.hear! I prefer a hungry ghost cat!
Let us have a moment of silence for Fishy Fishy* and Froggy Froggy!

(Note: Pictures copied from internet as I was not in love with these pets enough to even have pictures! oops)
UPDATE: *The fish has reappeared. No snake or ghost of a cat. Apparently the fish decided to go down the oxygen tube and under the platform beneath the rocks. I saw him swimming back up the tube last night. LOL! The frog however is indeed still dead or should I say after a month still has not reappeared. :)
UPDATE #2: Christmas 2007: I found the frog....He was petrified rock in my laundry room closet at the back under my Christmas decor! Poor guy! HA! L'il C won't let me throw him out. She wants me to keep him. He is now in a ziplock bag with her baby notes! HA!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:25 AM
Amy had this to say:
*moment of silence observed*
May they rest in peace.
- 1:28 PM
Just Me had this to say:
That is too funny that the fish reappeared. But definitly a moment of silence for froggy.
This post reminded me of when Little Miss and I (and a bunch of other girls on our dorm floor) got frogs and fish from Wal-mart. Within a few days of each other most of our fish and frogs had died. But I still had a frog that was living. One thing about this frog is I could never remember what I named him. So every day I called him somethind different. Then one day I remembered his name and I called him the same thing twice in a row and he died. It was a very sad death because we all watched and there was nothing we could do about it. We all told him not to head towards the light but he did. Very sad.
- 10:38 AM
Amy had this to say:
*Moment of silence recalled for Fishy Fishy*
Welcome back little buddy!
- 2:09 PM
hollibobolli had this to say:
I'm sorry - this has to be one of the funnier things I've read in blogland in a long damned time.
a moment, indeed.
I hope froggy reappears!! If he does - take their pic together! They totally would deserve it!
- 6:17 PM
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