August 31, 2007
Flexeril Warning
I get severe tension headaches often. My doctor prescribed me one Flexeril up to three times a day as needed. First of all ONE lasts all day and wipes me out. I could not imagine taking 3 a day. Therefore, most of the time I only take a half of one. So all of them are cut up in half in my prescription bottle. I started feeling a tension headache come on. Knowing they are time released and I didn't want to even take a full half since I am staying up late tonight I was going to take half of the half. I was in the car and I did not have a knife with me so I decided just to bite it in half since I had my tea with me and could wash it right down.WRONG idea!! LOL!My tongue is now numb from the sprinkles of muscle relaxer that ended up breaking off when I bit it! warning to you is..... Don't bite pills. It isn't a good idea! :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 10:43 AM
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