August 29, 2007
Like Rainman, She has no concept of $$$
Walking through the Walmart parking lot L'il C sees the Rib Crib to our right. She loves this place. She asks me if we can go and I told her I already had dinner planned at home. She said, "Please mom. We can use my money." "Baby money isn't really the issue. We eat out quite a bit and it will do us both some good to eat at home.""But mom please! PLEASE! I have one dollar and 4 pennies!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:12 AM
Amy had this to say:
Awww, poor thing. She wouldn't even get a couple of fries for that. :(
- 8:26 AM
Candice had this to say:
When I was a kid and my mom would say "No, we don't have the money", I would always say "Just use a check!"
- 9:46 AM
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