September 04, 2007
Labor Day Weekend
Extended weekends were made for people like me! Friday night Mr. C (the new guy), his family, myself and L'il C went camping. We had a lot of fun. L'il C caught her first fish ever! That made her day. She ended up catching 5-10 fish total. Mr. C has a little sister (Miss T) who is one year older than L'il C. Miss T was not happy that L'il C was catching more fish than she was and told her to switch her fishing poles so she could catch some! LOL!That night we roasted hotdogs and grilled hamburgers. They were yummy! Mr. C played his guitar and we sang around the fire for a bit. (CLICHE' I know. But it was fun!) I brought S'mores so we made those too. The girls were covered in chocolate and marshmallows but not as much as Mr. C's dad. (No Lie) It was dark and I guess he didn't see it drip out the end all down the front of his t-shirt.We went to bed around 11:00 p.m.Mr. C's tent was near mine and he scared the crap out of me about 2:00 a.m. He stretched really big in his sleep and made the most terrible moaning noise ever! He decided to stretch again an hour later and once more at 4:30 a.m. I don't think I slept AT.ALL! LOL! His tent was little bitty and since he is 6' 4" I can't imagine how he even fit in his tent! HA! The next morning it was very cool outside. That is my kind of camping weather. I don't like being hot and sticky. L'il C woke up promptly at 6:30 a.m. and let me know that she was ready to go fishing.... I guess she slept well enough to think that 6:30 A.M. is an appropriate time to wake up and go fishing! I told her there wasn't anyone up and to go back to sleep. So she does the only appropriate thing any child would do....challenges her mother..... So she unzips the window to look out and see if anyone is up. (crap) Someone WAS actually already up fishing! There goes my last hope for a few more minutes of sleep. :(Mr. C was awake so we started breakfast on the fire....eggs, sausage, and bacon. His older sister came to help cook as well. I usually burn myself (it is a given) with popping grease so she took over the bacon, Mr. C. had the sausage, and I was in charge of the non-popping scrambled eggs. You would think with her being on the other side of the camp fire grill I would not be hit by grease! WRONG! It still popped out and hit me in the face. Welp, that just goes to show it seeks me out like a fat boy on cake!After breakfast everyone took turns riding the dune buggy. That was most fun! The grass was still wet from the morning dew so yes....we were dirty! Mud, grass, and moisture flyin' up all over the place. Good. Times! I am pretty sure one of the times Mr. C was driving we were airborne for a few seconds. It felt like a roller coaster!By about 3:00 Mr. C's mom and I were ready to go home. L'il C and Miss T were off again on again. They couldn't figure out if they were going to be friends or not and us moms were worn out difusing their disagreements. We usually stayed out of it but when we heard ear piercing screams from the tent we both took off running. One had pinched and the other had hit and they were fighting over a pillow. Enough was enough. When were leaving Miss T, unbeknownst to me, had asked her mom if L'il C could come home with her. L'il C in the mean time was asking me if Miss T could come over.! Not NO, but HECK NO! My nerves were shot even through all of the fun. LOL!That evening was nothing more than relaxation at home! :)Sunday was the That night we played volleyball. And since I always win every game I play, I must take time to give kudos to Mr. C because his team actually won and he is proud to have beaten me at something! So here's KUDOS to Mr. C!!!Monday we went to my mom and dad's for the usual "holiday" lunch. Dad grilled barbecue pork steaks (one of my faves!) and mom made corn on the cob, mashed potatoes, salad, and cookies for dessert! After a scrumptious meal we played Badminton in the backyard! I.SUCK! LOL. I played worse than my 6 year old daughter. More KUDOS to Mr. C. He and my mom played a pretty good game! (For personal reference for future use: Mr. C broke the posts on the net....not me. LOL!)We took L'il C to Incredible Pizza later that day. One time there is enough for one lifetime, but for some reason the place parents find to be boring, kids think the world of!We also went to see Mr. C's new baby cousin. They are all Pentecostal Holiness down to the long sleeves, dresses, buns, no jewelry, no make-up, etc.... I fit in like.....well like a whore in a Convent! LOL! It was a little uncomfortable but the baby was cute! HA! Here I am with capris, short sleeves, jewelry, make-up, and a kid from another marriage. I am pretty sure they were praying for my salvation and talking about me when I was gone. That is okay. I should have whipped out my Mary Kay business card and let them know I had a miracle for 'em! Some of them needed the power of skincare and a little make-up to boot! HA!It was fun watching Mr. C hold the tiny baby. It did increase his wants to have one though. He made the baby seem that much smaller since he is so big. (if that is possible....the baby only weighed 6 lbs 15 ounces) It was kind of funny because I heard him whisper to the baby that she didn't know it yet but the best looking guy in the room was holding her! How true that was! :) My man is a hottie! Well, all was well in our worlds this past weekend. I hope you all had a fun Labor Day holiday. L'il C did make an announcement to me yesterday that "Labor Day is her most favorite holiday ever!" ?????? with an addendum that made her mommy proud .... "I like all holidays!" Sounds good to me!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:34 AM
Amy had this to say:
Okay so it only took me a year to read your novel. :) It sounds like you had a wonderful holiday weekend.
I'm glad to hear that the kiddo likes all holidays. She fits well in our family.
And it sounds like there was no fighting at the family shindig-woo hoo!! :) Sorry I missed it.
- 8:25 AM
Just Me had this to say:
I love long weekends. Your camping trip sounded fun. I love 4 wheeling (never been on a dune buggy). Congrats to L'il C for catching all the fish.
- 10:24 AM
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