November 15, 2006
I absolutely love the cute things kids say. I usually try to eat lunch with L'il C about once a week. She is in kindergarten and went to the same school last year for K4. She even has the same teacher this year because the teacher moved up. I was the homeroom mother last year and because of all of this I have established a good raport with the kids in her class/school.When I was standing in line today I was talking to one of L'il C's friends about her headband. On Wednesdays their uniforms are different than the other days because of chapel. I told her I liked it and asked her where she got it. Proudly she felt the top of her head and patted it and then pulled it off. She said, "I got it from home." (good answer from a 5 year old)Then she added, "Well actually I got it from 'the chapel store'. I got my shoes from 'the chapel store', I got my socks from 'the chapel store', and my dress from 'the chapel store'. (again all from a 5yr old)Does anyone know where a chapel store is??? I need a headband to match L'il C's uniform. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:26 PM
hollibobolli had this to say:
No clue what a chapel store is!! But if you find out - let me know!
- 10:30 AM
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