August 14, 2008
First Day of Second Grade!
Wow! I remember writing in my Lady Luck blog, which no longer exists, on L'il C's first day of Pre-school. I can't believe she is already in 2nd grade!!!!
From the first day she found out they were going to have lockers this year that is all she has talked about. Forget seeing old friends! Forget making new friends! Forget everything except, "I get lockers this year!" :)

Open house was Tuesday. Her daddy and I couldn't hardly get her to sit still during the intro because all she wanted was to stand post at her locker. We kept reassuring her that it would be there ALL YEAR LONG!!!
This morning I was letting her know that I would walk in with her but I had to stop at the front desk to find out what time her lunch would be this year. She quickly asked, "Can I go ahead and go to my locker??" Ha ha! ....Do I want to be mean? Or should I let her go?.... :) I did let her go because I am that cool! ;)
Her teacher is really nice. She took the time to send a letter to all of the kids a week or so ago. It had a picture of her two dogs in it. (She isn't married and doesn't have kids.) That made little C's whole day. She showed everyone that letter and told them how much she likes the picture of the dogs.

L'il C~ I am so very proud of you! You are an amazing little girl. I am so happy to be your mommy! You are going to soar with flying colors through 2nd grade! I look forward to the many new things you are going to learn and experience! You are so precious! I love you!!! ~Mommy

link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 6:52 AM
Amy had this to say:
The little stink bug is growing up. Sniff sniff. Seems like yesterday I was laying in the hospital floor waiting on her to hurry up and get here. :)
- 7:55 AM
Candice had this to say:
A locker in Second Grade?!?! That is so cool!
- 8:32 AM
Just Me had this to say:
That is so cool that she gets a locker! I loved decorating my locker when I was in Jr. High.
- 10:20 PM
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