July 14, 2008
The Emperor's New Clothes

To preface: I am the kind of person that will not go to Walmart at 2:00 a.m. until I have freshened my makeup. I want to look my best at all times. It started out as I was self-conscience and didn't like myself without it. Now I think it is habit because I am confident without it but I prefer it. My eyes look naked without my mascara and eyeliner.
From time to time I do the majority of my make-up before going to work and then finish my eye make up once I get there. Usually I am the first on there so it doesn't make much difference. But I always try to be 100% polished before people arrive.
So.....this morning I was at work for an hour and not one person mentioned that my eyes were naked.
I would have told them if they were naked...... I am a true friend! I wish I had some. HA!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:49 AM
Amy had this to say:
Yes, your work friends stink. ;) I would have told you if I had seen you....although it MIGHT have come in a small form of making fun of you. ;)
- 5:23 AM
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