December 03, 2009
From Summer to Winter
Time quickly passes when you are having fun!
I can not believe it has been so long since I have made a post. If there are any readers still out there, I am shocked!
I used to get so bored with people's blogs that only updated once in a 'blue moon'! I now qualify.
Brad and I have been married over a year now. L'il C is in 3rd grade and doing fabulous. She is also in dance again this year. Brad is busy with the youth group and I have been working diligently to become a director. I am polishing my business skills and finally applying the money management skills I was taught so long ago to actually start making a profit...instead of blowing it all on shoes. :)
Tito has lived to be 1 year old....although it will be another test if he makes it Jan 15th when I will have owned him 1 year. He pouts and goes to the bathroom in my floor. Or if we are out of town he will chew up our couch when we get back. (Even if my mom faithfully comes over to let him out and play with him 4 times a day while we are gone.) He now thinks that our Christmas tree is his personal pooping tree. UGH! If he wasn't so darn cute I would string him up by his toenails! :) I threaten everyday to sell him. Unfortunately Brad and L'il C will not let me....because again, he is too cute to sell. :)
This past weekend L'il C and I went with my parents on a 14 hour round trip weekend visit to friends we haven't seen in 25 years. It was a great trip and good to see them but that is more time than I can spend with parents. :)
I had a great birthday this week. It was very pleasant and an absolute perfect day. The weather was awesome, I got great presents, and I got to eat at P.F. Changs, which is my favorite place to go. My mom eats dry chicken and hamburgers with meat and bread only and I have never gone there to accomodate her but I decided we should go since she made me eat Furr's Cafeteria at some of her birthday dinners. :) She didn't even complain. We had a lovely time.
Christmas will be here faster than I can imagine and I am looking forward to it. I won't have a moment to breathe but it will be much fun.
People make fun of me because I live by my day planner. They call it my Bible. I don't go anywhere without it. But if they want to plan something they tell me to go get my Bible so we can plan. I am busy and that is the best way for me to function.
My camera went zoink and my cell phone won't transfer my pics so I am sad.
I hope you are all doing wonderful and it would be great to hear from you!
Love ya,
Sweet Yet Sassy
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:29 AM
Lori had this to say:
Glad to read that you are still here. It is good to be busy, but make sure you are saving some time for you.
- 3:36 PM
Jenn had this to say:
I'm so happy to see you posting again! I know how busy life can get. Your puppy is adorable.
- 8:35 PM
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