This was the coolest kiddie ride ever! I went and got on to embarrass L'il C and instead of embarrassing her she was glad and I had the most fun! Ha!

L'il C absolutely LOVED the roller coasters........ after a little bribing, coaxing, and pleading to ride them. :)
Wildfire goes upside down several times. Brad had ridden this before and wanted me to ride it. I wasn't going to leave L'il C unattended while we rode it so I casually asked her if she would ride with us. "No way!", she adamently replied.
I asked her if there was anything I could do or say to make her ride it. Again, she said no. I waited a few minutes and added, "Is there anything I could bribe you with that you were really wanting?"
A moment of thought...."Well there is that tiger puppet that I was wanting up by the front door!"
Ah ha! There was my in. I told her that we could wait until tomorrow in case she wanted to back out. The puppet held to much of a hold on her and she decided to go ahead and do it the first day.
With her tennis shoes....she was tall enough.
She LOVED it. The next day she wanted to ride it....oops she had her flip flops on and missed the height requirement by an inch. We came back later to try again and she stood on her toes a bit. She barely made it. As the guy was checking belts in the row in front of us she says, "Man! It really helps to stand on your toes." ....Thank goodness he didn't hear her!

The above picture was taken in the
Fire In The Hole. This was also a funny story. After riding the Wildfire I knew she could definitely handle this little coaster. I asked her if she wanted me to tell her when the hills were. She said, "Nah, I can figure it out." Okay sister....I didn't tell her it was an inside roller coaster in the dark. Ha ha!
After the first time she told me she was NEVER riding that ride again! I said, "Oh come on. One more time and if you want I will tell you where the hills are this time." She said, "Yes, please!"
She ended up riding it 10 more times over the next 2 days!

This picture was taken down on the new river walk in Branson. It was a really beautiful evening. We had a lovely time walking down the river walk. It was Sunday and all of the shops had closed but the restaurants were still open.

We dedided to eat by the dancing fountains on the deck at Texas Land and Cattle Steakhouse. It was yummy!

On the way from Branson to Nashville our stupid Yahoo Maps gave us the wrong directions and we ended up on curvy roads an hour out of our way. Our GPS couldn't even locate us. L'il C had her first dose of motion sickness so we stopped for dramamine and a map once we came to a tiny town called Ava, MO.
Her IPOD and movies kept her entertained on the trip. She had some other things but they weren't quite as entertaining.
Here she is singing Taylor Swift.

And here she is out for the count!

Welcome to Nashville!
Opryland Hotel

The first full day we were in Nashville Brad went and played golf with Tracy, his roommate and I took L'il C to the
Hermitage, Andrew Jackson's Home. She absolutely loved it. I forgot however to take any pictures. We were there almost 3 hours and still didn't see everything but we were getting hungry and left.
Me, L'il C, and Amanda (Tracy's wife)

Where the Tennessee Titans play

Dinner at Ted's Montana Grill
(yummy yummy yummy food!!)

The Parthenon
The last day we spent the morning swimming at the apartment....which by the way is the same apartment that Jason Michael Carroll has been seen at the pool and his tour bus parks often. Ha ha!
That afternoon we went sightseeing downtown and went to the Parthenon.
It was a very relaxing trip. We can't wait till our next family vacation. Brad and I have already started planning it but L'il C doesn't know! It will be Spring of next year and it is gonna be a good one!