October 01, 2010
(Preface-Please comment on this blog only and not my other sites. I haven't broadcasted this anywhere else. Thank you!) L'il C finished 3rd grade with flying colors. I missed posting about our major Walt Disney World Vacation. Wow! I may have to go back and do that. 4th Grade has now started and the first 9 weeks are almost over.Our most current news...... we are going to have baby #2. I know, right?! L'il C will be 10 years old when the baby arrives. She is finding that most hilarious. We are all very happy....and yes, it was planned. ha ha. I sure never dreamed when she was born that the next time I would be pregnant would be 10 years later though. I am pretty sure being pregnant at 21 is a lot easier than being pregnant at 31. In fact, I would bet money on it. But....if L'il C is reading this, I do not endorse getting married at 19 just to have a baby at 21. :DAside from a constant state of nauseau and very consistant migraines, I am great. Ha ha!It worked out perfectly for us to tell our parents on Grandparent's Day that we were going to have a baby. We asked them to dinner after church that night. We told them that L'il C had cards she wanted to give them. Our parents sat across from the 3 of us. And opened the cards and read them aloud in unison. My mom leaning into my dad and his mom leaning into his dad. "Happy Grandparents Day! We love you, "L'il C" and Baby (Last name)." "Baby (Last name)??"GASP! They all responded identically at the same time. It was perfect.We had told L'il C the week before and made her sit on the news. It literally made her sick to her stomach to not be able to tell anyone. (oops). We let her tell her dad that weekend when she went to his house so she could talk about it with someone for the 3 days she wouldn't be with us.Mom has since started pulling everything out of her attic in excitement praying for a girl while the rest of us want a boy. It will be loved regardless but we want a shot at having one of each. And although the baby isn't due until May 2nd, she has already given us the crib to set up. :)My first doctor appointment has come and gone. They due an ultrasound every visit so I already have the tiny peanut pictures. I was completely surprised since I only had one ultrasound total and that wasn't until 20 weeks with L'il C. L'il C made sure she told everyone at her school that I had a doctor's appointment. She is very excited.My next appointment is next week. My doctor is hilarious. We love him. It will be exciting to see how much the baby has grown. According to the book I have, it already has fingers, toes, ears, the internal organs, the spine, and is growing eyes. :) Woo hoo.Brad's brother said if people ask what are names are we should tell them ridiculous names. I thought that was funny. So....if we are having a girl, she will be called Bertha Rae. And if it is a boy, Bernie Ray. :)
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