April 27, 2007
2 Things my kid can do that you wish yours could! LOL!
Conversation last night as L'il C was getting into bed:
L'il C-Mom, guess what I learned to do today.
Me-What sweetheart?
L'il C-I jumped rope. That is what I have ALWAYS wanted to do.
Me-Really? That is pretty cool.
L'il C-Yeah! But I can't double dutch yet.......or triple dutch. But I can ONE dutch!
Me-??? Alrighty then!
-Preface for second story-
A while back I told L'il C not to play with the two 5lb weights that I have because they were too heavy for her. In all grown up of ways she told me how strong she was and that she could do it. One hour later her middle finger was black, blue, and purple and completely swollen to the point of ridiculous.
Needless to say she has been babying that thing for the last month and a half. She changes the bandaid everday and won't let anyone else touch it.
Last night:
Li'l C-Mom?
L'il C-I went ahead and pulled that fingernail off.
Me-??? Blank Stare
L'il C-How 'bout we keep it in a baggie so I can show my dad! Mom, just write on there, "(insert her name)'s 1st fingernail off."
Me-??? Blank Stare Continues.....
Is she planning to have more than one fingernail come off??
My kid is cool!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:15 AM
Amy had this to say:
Okay, that's just gross.
- 7:46 PM
LITTLE MISS had this to say:
yeah, sooo glad I jumped back into blogworld to read this!!
I still have Sweetie's first (and second) tooth--is that wrong? What is the tooth fairy SUPPOSE to do with them?
- 7:44 PM
Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:
Little Miss~
Speaking of teeth....since we weren't-LOL!
I had to make a deal with the tooth fairy to let her keep her first tooth AND get money for it. I picked up the phone and pretended to call her and ask if we could keep her 1st tooth.
L'il C thought that was the coolest thing.
My mom kept everyone of mine and my sister's teeth in one of her drawers! LOL!
- 6:52 AM
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