May 07, 2007
My Post Secret Would Read....
I was walking down the sidewalk to the post office and there was a cat perched up on the ledge. It seems like everytime I go there is a new one hangin' out there. Everytime I go past one of them, I meow at them to say hi. It is compulsive and I feel like I would be rude if I didn't meow at them.
So.... My Post Secret would read....
I feel like I MUST MEOW everytime I walk by a cat because they will cast spells on me with their beady little eyes if I don't.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:21 PM
soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:
Man, I wish my post secret was that innocent.
- 2:44 PM
Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:
soapbox: As I meowed to the cat it came out in mind in post secret form. I am pretty sure I can think of some bigger issues at hand, but I may need blog material later. ;)
- 7:10 PM
Amy had this to say:
Good one. :)
- 6:45 AM
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