May 30, 2007
Thank You For Noticing My Absence! :)
Yes, I have failed you faithful readers. However, I had important things to take care of. :) Please forgive me. I have been extremely busy.
Last week was L'il C's last week of Kindergarten. We had a track and field day Wednesday. That was fun. Thursday we were supposed to have a field trip to the zoo but rain has yet to cease here. So.... I ended up with L'il C and 3 school friends at my house for a free day!
This weekend was jammed packed with family gatherings for the holiday weekend. Then I have to turn back around this week and get L'il C ready for her FIRST dance recital! (tap and ballet)We had rehearsal last night and then the 2 performances tonight and tomorrow.
I should be back up to par soon! Please be patient! HA!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:07 AM
Candice had this to say:
Glad to have you back. I was about to send out a search party for you.
- 1:02 PM
Just Me had this to say:
Figured you were busy. Hope life starts slowing down soon.
- 2:14 PM
Amy had this to say:
Busyness is not an excuse. ;)
- 9:46 PM
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