May 21, 2007
A Moments Peace Please!!!!

I have been staying up MUCH later than my normal bedtime recently because I have found more interesting things to do than sleep. :) HOWEVER, it has really started kicking my butt!
All I wanted was a peaceful Sunday afternoon nap before I had to go pick my sister up from the airport who was returning from Antalya, Turkey. I had already been threatened with my life not to forget picking them up. (Last time I fell asleep and forgot! LOL)
So I set 3 alarms to make sure I was awake in time to get them....
I turned my phone to silent and closed my bedroom door. L'il C was spending the afternoon with my mom so I thought all of my bases had been covered.
I am awakened to the sound of my Mother pounding on my bedroom window hollaring my name......AGAIN!!!!!!!!! Are you freakin' kidding me?? I know I did not forget my sister AGAIN...., WHAT THE HECK IS IT THIS TIME?!!?
I jump straight up and RAN to the front door thinking something must be BAD wrong for her to be banging on my window again after I threatened to beat her with a stick if she ever did it again last time.
Her - I asked you to leave the key to "my sister's" house in her mailbox so I can drop her dog off.
Me - "Mom....... The key IS in the mailbox right where you told me to leave it."
Her - I didn't see it....
After that lovely intermission to my nap, I noticed I had 5 missed calls and 3 txt messages.
I think I would rather of had those calls wake me up than someone beating down my house...
I am pretty sure I am going to go beat on her bedroom window at 2:00 in the morning real soon!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:47 AM
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