June 04, 2007
Sugar High

Sugar High?? Well, not quite but it could have been!
I walked down the hall to the kitchen at work to find my daughter to let her know we were leaving to go eat dinner. As I turned the corner she is walking out with this piece of cake on a plate!
As I knew that she did not get that cake by herself, I ask her for the cake and head on into the kitchen where my dad is waiting knowing full well what was coming next!
Me- Dad??
Dad- Smirking but not making eye contact.... no response....
Me- Did you seriously give L'il C this gigantic piece of cake with 3 inches of icing on the top??
Dad- Well yeah.
Me-Beside the fact that you know I wouldn't EVER let her have that much sugar at one time, do you realize it is dinner time???
Dad-I know but she asked if she could have it.
Me-I love how logic, reason, and sensibility get thrown out the window when your 6 year old granddaughter has you wrapped!!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 12:22 PM
Amy had this to say:
And I could totally see that conversation as if I were standing right there with you. :)
- 1:13 PM
Candice had this to say:
Mmmmmm - that makes me want cake. That's what grandparents are for - to say yes to the things that the parents say no to!
- 1:46 PM
LITTLE MISS had this to say:
OH how dare you put up a picture of birthday cake when I don't have a slice in front of me!?!
It looks like a marble cake with buttercream icing, but I better be WRONG because that's the one thing that can ALWAYS make me happy (that on a Coke Zero or Hershey Bar)
btw, thanks for the Braum's ice cream via telepathy--it was the best chocolate ice cream I've had in months!!
- 10:00 PM
Just Me had this to say:
Too funny! That's what Grandparents are for.
- 7:24 AM
Candice had this to say:
I love that visual DNA thing, I went and did mine. Mine said my personality is - WILDCAT!!! RAARRRR!
- 9:29 AM
hollibobolli had this to say:
Oh my oh my oh my!!! as a human that really only likes the icing - the cake.. not so much - send me a piece immediately!!!!!
- 7:06 PM
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