September 08, 2007
At The Expense of My Sister...

My sister Amy is probably one of the funniest gals I know! She is most funny when she doesn't mean to be! (Most people are....)
After the funeral Thursday, L'il C was going on and on about needing to go the bathroom while we were still out at the cemetery. We weren't ready to leave yet and I asked her to hold it. She told me she couldn't. I told her she had 2 options since there were no toilets at the cemetery that she could either hold it or go down her leg. (Seemed like a good motherly thing to say!) She didn't like either option but at that point there was honestly nothing I could do. (These are the times you wished they were still in diapers!)
Anywho, Amy needed to get gas on the way out of that one horse town and I told L'il C she could use the disgusting gas station restroom once we got there. Since we didn't know the town, Amy was going to follow my dad to the gas station. We pulled into the Shamrock and noticed there may not be a restroom since the building looked really small. Amy pulls into the first row of gas pumps and we are discussing the bathroom issue. As we are sitting there one of the guys comes up to the window. The guy asks her what he can do for her in an amazing accent and since we are all still tryin to figure out why he cares she realizes why he is there. (it is a full service pump) She quickly says that she really didn't need anything but would like for him to keep talking so she could listen to his amazing accent! My mom, who is in the backseat with L'il C, and I start cracking up laughing. Now it is the guy's turn to be stunned as he was just there to fill her car up with gas....
Once we all recover, she asks if they have a bathroom there and told him she would just pull around and park. Well, that helps the bathroom issue, but she still needs gas. She looks over and notices that the other row of pumps were not full service but self-serve. So she whips back around to fill up her car there. Then it hits her.....this is not a QuikTrip. She looks at the pump and exclaims, "What I have to pre-pay!?..... I don't even know how to work that pump!....... That's it. I am so walking over to get Dad and have him do it!"
Pretty sure if all of the men inside weren't already talking about you to begin with, they really are now.
Amy gets out of her car and runs over to my dad's car and asks him to come pump her gas. I can.not.stop.laughing. When I get out of the car to go find L'il C and my mom (mom took her to the bathroom), I hear the attendant in the garage on the phone telling someone about Amy liking his accent!
I am sure they were all inside thinking, "Poor city girl. She don't even know!" (And if they weren't thinking that, I know I WAS!) LOL!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:31 AM
Amy had this to say:
Okay. Thanks...for this.
Second, I was expecting to pre-pay, as that is how QT is setup. This pump was old school and I can't help it if I'm spoiled and have never filled up anywhere but QT. I actually had to go inside to pay-you know they loved me! :)
- 8:08 AM
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