O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging;O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging; Rabbit Hearts and Bunny Bones, Dah Dah da Dah dun nuh la la O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!Thy leaves are so unchanging!

Me: Uhm, sweetheart?? (trying not to act shocked or like I was about to call someone and tell them how funny she just was.) Did you just sing "Rabbit Hearts and Bunny Bones?"
Realizing now that those were probably not the correct words she shyed back and answered a timid, "Yes."
Me: Oh! Okay. (as if that was no big deal...so she wouldn't know I was going to blog about it)
L'il C: Mom! You aren't about to call someone are you??
Me: No Babe, I'm not. (walking to the kitchen to write down what she had said)
As I start to walk with the paper in hand, and as I am folding it and going to my room to put it in my purse, L'il C asks, "Mom? Did you just write down what I said?"
BUSTED! I made a good save and never answered her directly. I can't not blog the funny things she said. Someday she will thank me! ;) L'il C you are hilarious!
(P.S. The real lyrics to that portion of the song are, "Not only green when summer's here,But also when 'tis cold and drear.")