November 29, 2007
What's Important to The Little People

Each night L'il C and I have a routine. If I differ from it she is quick to inform me of what I should have done.

Each night she gets her pajamas on, brushes her teeth, gets a quick drink of water and goes to the bathroom before she gets into bed. Most of the time once she is in bed I read her a short bedtime story, occasionally it is too late.

After the story, I turn on her nightlight, turn on the humidifier (for noise), make sure her closet door is closed ALL the way-not just pulled to, and make sure her blanket and Brave are in hand. (Brave is a stuffed Monkey with BRAVE on its stomach that I bought her to sleep with when I went to Alaska 2 years ago-the longest she had ever been without me. She won't sleep without it now and takes it to her dad's when she goes. It represents me.)

Once we turn the lights out we take turns saying a prayer before bed and then she insists I snuggle bunny with her for a few minutes before she falls asleep. Last night I asked her to pray and this is how her prayer went:

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for this BEAUTIFUL day. Thank you for the birds that were
chirping by the window. Please protect (insert entire list of everyone she
knows including a dog or two). Please don't let the heat rash come back. Lord, please let the 1st row get the honey roasted peanuts and the 2nd row get the pretzels, and I am in the 3rd row and I would really like the candycanes tomorrow.


(One of the kids in her class has a dad that works for Southwest Airlines and apparently for snack he has brought a few things! You can thank him for the high airline prices. HA!)

Blogger Amy had this to say:

At least she has her priorities in line.

Simon is happy she prayed for him. :)

7:45 AM 

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