No, seriously! I have Power at last! My electricity was turned back on late yesterday afternoon. Many people here still are without so I am very thankful for this!
Don't think I didn't sleep with ALL of my lights on last night. I gotta make up for the power outtage on my electric bill. I wouldn't want the electric company to think I died.
I would like to thank God for keeping me safe as well as giving me a place to cook my food, a place to stay warm, and a place to sleep....even if they were all at seperate places (seriously)! LOL!
I would like to thank my mom and dad for letting us sleep at their house....we did have 12 blankets a piece and a fire in the fire place on the other side of the house. It was good to sleep in a bed!
I want to thank AEP and Georgia Power! Georgia Power trucks were in my neighborhood when my electricity came on so I want to personally thank them. I know there were electric companies from North Carolina, Missouri, and Texas here for sure. Thank you to them as well.
Here is a minimal view of some of the damage at my home. The ice has melted and Mr. C and Mike cut down the trees at my house in the pictures. But the huge tree in the front yard was blocking my entire porch and broke the guttering on my house and pulled my brand new Christmas lights down. (Yes the lights are an important part because I have never had Christmas lights on my house and I just bought them last week!!!) It also messed up my pretty shrubs and demolished my Japanese Maple! (All you can see is the pole that is was tied to and a twig that is still standing in between the bushes.)

My driveway was completely covered in limbs that had broken off. Luckily we had moved the car an hour before. My driveway has trees on either side and it was scary running out to leave before all of the limbs started snapping. Thirty minutes after I left the tree fell on my front porch!
Here are a few from my parents home.
This was the huge pecan tree in our church parking lot.
Here are more pictures from my sister's home...and her blog about it is pretty funny. And more pictures here from a friend's blog.
It was very eerie hearing the snap, crackle, and pop of the trees breaking off. We really couldn't even go outside because the trees were falling so rapidly and from so many different places.
I have never been so excited to see porch lights on in my neighborhood. I was doing periodic drive bys once I saw the electric companies to see if I had power. When I saw a porch light on in my neighborhood my heart skipped a beat! It was like Christmas for me!! I ran inside and turned ALL of the lights on and had a party in my 40 degree living room!!!