February 20, 2008
Miracles happen....even if slightly tainted...

Every Wednesday morning on the way to school Mr. K takes L'il C to get a donut. Well little C's brother was sick so I went and picked her up last night. While I was there Mr. K informed me that L'il C would still like a donut even though he wouldn't be able to take her to school. I agreed. I also knew that although this seemed like a small task to most, it was going to take an extra big effort on my part to get my butt out of bed and get ready earlier than normal.

Most days, I am running out the door at the last minute hoping that the 14 minute drive to pick up the child that rides with us and actually get to school on time is only going to take me 8 minutes and praying the entire time that the kids do not have to get a tardy because of me! HA!

So last night with careful planning I determine the time I am going to make myself get out of bed. This morning, although I slept in 45 minutes longer than I had planned, I still managed to come out ahead and was ready before L'il C woke up! Woo Hoo!

While she was getting dressed I went out and started the car, made sure it was locked and that I had the spare key, and came back inside.

When it was time to go I made sure L'il C had her coat on, I grabbed my cell phone and we headed out the door.


My purse, with my spare car key, was still inside my house...which is now locked!! (So much for all of the excitement of being early!!)

Thank goodness I grabbed my cell phone! I called my dad and he came to get me so I could go get my spare house key.....

After running around like chickens with our heads cut off....we finally made it to the donut shop!

Blogger Just Me had this to say:

This is a funny post. I'm glad that it all worked out in the end. I'm sorry you locked your keys in the house -- that sucks!

BTW - the entire post I was thinking mmmm donuts.

10:56 AM 

Blogger hollibobolli had this to say:

I also was thinking "mmmmmm donuts!!!" This sounds so much like me. I can't seem to successfully get out of the house without waging a war against car keys, coats, shoes and everything else - it's frustrating. And we don't even have donuts at the end.

I'm glad you had your cell - mine usually ends up dead in those situations!!

9:08 AM 

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