January 08, 2008
Happy 7th Birthday L'il C!
My Dearest Baby Girl~
Your sweet charm, charisma, and sincere concern for others amazes me! Your spunk, flare, and sparkle captivates me! You are beautiful inside and out! You have become undoubtedly the coolest kid I know!
The joy you bring to my life can never be expressed in mere words! You make me laugh on a daily basis; whether it is with your quick wit or by coincidence...Thank you!
Watching you grow has been the best adventure I have ever experienced! I thank God for you daily! You truly are an amazing gift! I hope you have an amazing year being seven. I look forward to all of the fun things you will learn and experience this year.
I love you 'BIG TALL'! Happy 7th Birthday my Sweet Angel!
Love always,
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 1:36 PM
soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:
What a great post!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!!
- 3:51 PM
Amy had this to say:
Happy Birthday Kiddo!
*And why do I always have to ask you to send me pictures through your comments section-you should know to automatically send them to me...esp since I asked you to yesterday. :) Muah!
- 5:32 AM
Just Me had this to say:
Happy Birthday to you!! Hope that this year is great for you!
- 8:43 AM
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