February 13, 2008
Tae Bo and Tiny Tots
Rule #1: Don't ever try to exercise in front of your kids or while they are awake! It is cause for failure and self-consciousness!My favorite aerobics workout video is the Advanced Tae Bo. I absolutely love aerobics and I feel so much better afterwards. I do the advanced version because it challenges me. Although I don't always do double speed I still continue at normal speed just to stay on track and not quit.L'il C has seen me do these workouts in the past but she was never really interested in what I was doing. However, this week she saw me and wanted to join in. She did them for about 4 minutes and sat down on the couch and watched. She told me that she wanted to do them with me the next time I did them. I told her it would be the next day. So I waited for her to get up so she could workout with me. Attention span: Zip! Zilch! Nada!Instead I was under the microscope for scrutiny."Mom, you need to pull your pants up. A tiny bit of your panties are showing.""Mom, why are you doing that so much slower than them?""Mom, you aren't raising your knees high enough.""Mom, that looks like the monkey dance!"I also was interrupted repeatedly."Mom, can you reach the peanut butter for me?""Mom, this isn't spreading right.""Mom, will you help me with the chocolate milk?""Mom, the back door is locked and I can't get it open."And Yes! Every interuption started with "Mom..." as if we weren't the only two in the house. I am gonna change my name.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:28 AM
Amy had this to say:
Sounds about right. :) Least you've learned your lesson about waiting for her to get up. ha ha
- 1:36 PM
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