April 18, 2008
Define Maybe

According to m-w.com there are two definitions of the word maybe:

1) Uncertainty
2) Perhaps

However, according to the brain of L'il C there is only one definition:

1) Yes you may

Which quickly brought me back to the time when I was a child and I would ask my mom or dad for something and they would reply with 'maybe'. I too would let them know that that essentially meant 'yes!'

Now, being a mom myself I truly understand why they would never answer me with a direct yes even though 9 out of 10 times the end result would be affirmative.

You just never know what might come up between that moment and the moment of the time for the needed answer. And if you have already told your child, "yes we can do that" or "yes you can have that" and it doesn't work out for that particular time FOR WHATEVER reason, you are then deemed "a liar" or have inflicted pain that will last one million years in your child's already dramatic life and you will NEVER hear the end of "but Mom!!!!!!! YOU PROMISSSSSSSSSED!"

Therefore I now enjoy and take great pride in using the most awesome word

Because in the end maybe we will and maybe we won't but I have the most awesome loop hole!

Blogger Amy had this to say:

Hmmm, guess you've also added "Because I said so" to your vocabulary?

Thank goodness, those two phrases aren't in mine yet. ;)

10:03 AM 

Blogger Catrina had this to say:

That's funny! Parenting can be so complicated sometimes. :-)It's amazing how I sometimes find myself just trying to stay one step ahead of my two year old.

1:47 PM 

Blogger Just Me had this to say:

Good to know. I need all the parenting tips I can get.

9:57 AM 

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