May 16, 2008
When your 7 year old tells you she is singing a solo in her Spring Program:She may or may not be singing a solo if she even sings at all.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Last night was L'il C's Spring Program. It was called Splash Kingdom and they really did a great job. L'il C had been working up the fact she was going to be singing a solo in the program. She told both her dad and Grandma about this and told them not to tell me because it was a surprise. Except, she forgot the fact that she had told me a couple of weeks ago. ???However......we watched the entire program last night and she NEVER sang a solo. So I asked her what happened to her part and why she didn't sing her solo and then we had this conversation:-I did, Mom! Me and Gabby.-Baby, a solo is just one person. If it were you and Gabby then that is a duet. But you two never sang by yourselves in the program.-Well that is how it was supposed to be but Caitlin kept singing and she wasn't supposed to.-(Still not getting it since there were no less than 20 people on the stage the ONLY time she was up there.) Honey, you were in the choir on the side of the stage and I realize you did go on the stage one time with several people blowing bubbles. But all of you were singing that song and you weren't even singing half the time.-Mom, me and Gabby sang the solo and they were our backup singers!So.......note to self: Make sure your 7 year old knows what solo means and that it is NOT the entire group singing nor does it mean that if child and child's friend decide that they are singing a special and the other 20 people are "backup singers" then it is STILL a solo.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:16 AM
Loralee Choate had this to say:
Sounds like a smart kid. Personally, I always think I'm singing a solo.
Great minds must think alike. ;)
- 8:21 PM
had this to say:
What a nice little world 7 year olds live in!!
- 8:00 AM
bmusic24 had this to say:
The only solos I've ever been asked to sing is so low you can't hear me!!! lol
Ok, so that was an old Pastor Alberto joke, but just maybe you've never heard it!
- 7:09 AM
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