October 23, 2008
Honey...... I'm HOME!
Yes. Yes. I have been home a week....but a crazy week it has been. We hit the ground runnin'!We arrived back from Ireland last Thursday evening. Friday and Saturday we took our Youth to Youth Convention. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday Brad and I attended an all day Real Estate Workshop. Yesterday was the first day I was back at work and quite swamped.So..... for the short of things..... Ireland was more spectacular than I could have imagined and the wedding went wonderfully. Everything was beautiful. I promise to post pictures and more info as soon as I have time to breath.MUAH!! ;)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:08 AM
LITTLE MISS had this to say:
no no. you don't get to say I'M HOME and give us NOTHING.
I've been waiting for several WEEKS to find out details. Anything!! And no...
because you have to "breath".
psha. whatever!
; )
- 6:03 PM
Jenn had this to say:
Fine, we'll let you breath but you better update SOON. I can't wait to hear about EVERYTHING... okay not everything keep it PG.
- 7:25 PM
soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:
Congrats on being a married woman!!! And I am so jealous of your trip! I cannot wait to see photos of it all.
- 6:12 AM
Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:
Little Miss~ I am SO Sorry. :(
Jenn~Whew! Thanks. Can you go comfort Little Miss? :)
SS~ Posting pics of Ireland today or tomorrow!
- 9:59 AM
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