November 05, 2008
The Beginning of the Trip!
Our Honeymoon trip to Ireland -Part 1
After staying up until 1:30 in the morning packing everything, 5:00 a.m. came way to early! We got up and made it to the airport in plenty of time. We flew into Chicago with enough time in our layover to grab something to eat. A lady in our church made us Bride & Groom shirts to wear. She made them green since we were going to Ireland! At the airport in Chicago there were about 8-10 guys in athletic wear returning home to Ireland and they noticed us in our shirts. They were teasing us and asked us why in the world we would choose Ireland for our Honeymoon. ha ha! They said it rains all the time and we better have rain coats. They were pretty nice. Our awesome Shamrock plane - Aer Lingus!
Waiting in chicago
Flying into Ireland
I loved the shadow of the airplane on the ground!

We had smooth flights. When leaving Chicago we flew into Dublin, stopped to let people on and off of the plane and then flew back over to Shannon. We landed at 9:30 the next morning! Holy Cow we were tired!
This is our cool compact car -Kia Picanto in Periwinkle Blue! Ha ha! We had just enough room for two carry ons in the trunk so everything else had to be visible in the back seat all week!

It was an adventure getting out of the rental car parking lot. It was really hard at first trying to figure out driving on the left side. I kept turning my windshield wipers on instead of my blinkers. (Now that I am back I still do that because I got used to the European car.) It took me several turnabouts to get used to driving through Shannon. Then!......there were only 2 lane anorexic roads everywhere!!! So not only am I trying to get used to driving on the left side, there are cars coming at me close enough for their mirrors to high five my mirrors and there are rock walls on either sides of the lanes, with no shoulders! AAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

Some of the sights

After several hours of driving, we started nodding off-not good since I was driving. We decided to stop for a bathroom break and get a snack. We stopped at a fuel station in Inagh. The lady inside was super nice-first encounter with the Irish. (besides the rental car place) She was obsessed with my ring and how pretty she thought it was. I have a wrap around my solitaire and she had never seen anything like it. She said they were behind in Ireland. ha ha. We talked to her for a bit and told her where we were going (Cliffs of Moher). She said if we were feeling a 'bit adventerous' we could take a side road and drive along the coast down by Spanish Point. So...adventerous we did go!
Spanish Point was a beach area. There was a contemporary hotel with a parking lot. We parked there. Ruins of a building were at the top of the hill. We walked down to the shore from there.
Spanish Point

This entry way led up some stairs to someone's backyard. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:00 PM

Candice had this to say:
Yay!!! I've been waiting for pictures and you didn't disappoint! I am so jealous. It looks like you had a blast. I can't wait to see more!
- 12:48 PM
Catrina had this to say:
Wow! How awesome!!!! I'd love to travel overseas. I've never been out of the country before. Great pictures.
- 3:10 PM
Starr had this to say:
Awesome! I think I took a total of 10 pictures on my honeymoon and that has always bummed me out. (Of course we just went to Florida and not Ireland...but still!)
- 9:09 PM
Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:
Candice~ Out of almost 600 pictures I couldn't possibly post all of them, but it so hard to choose! Ireland has so many beautiful parts.
Catrina~ It is funny but I have an entirely new perspective of traveling out of the country now. Yes, I still plan to travel all over the world. :) But, it is amazing how many people all over the world want to visit America. We have so many Amazing places here that we take for granted because it isn't "over seas." ...Stay tuned for the rest of the pics. I am uploading a few each day to complete new posts it just takes for freakin' ever and I get bored. :)
Starr~I am always envious when people have scrap books of a lot of events and I always forget my camera! :) Which by the way if it weren't for Brad's camera we would be in trouble. I lost mine the day after our wedding and still have no idea where it is. :(
- 5:43 AM
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