February 25, 2009
Raisin Pie

I didn't even realize such a thing as raisin pie even existed so I had never tried one much less cooked one. However, if you were to ask me if I would like a nice hot slice of delicious raisin pie, I would decline. I have never been a fan of cooked raisins. I will eat raisins all day long out of a box but there is just something about the texture of a plump raisin that has been cooked that is less than appealing to me.

So, when I was asked to make a dessert for a lady in our church who just had surgery and her husband told me that she really liked raisin pie my face was a little less than excited. Then it became my mission. Not only was I going to make that raisin pie but I wanted it to be the best raisin pie ever!

I am an excellent cook and love even more to bake. I can make absolutely delicious pies, coconut cream pie for sure. But when it comes to the crust, it is so sad looking. I can never get my dough to roll out thin enough without tearing holes in it. With the coconut cream pies I just had volumes of meringue to cover up the ugly crust and no one knew any different.

Not only do I have to now make a raisin pie, I have to make a 2 crust pie in which the crust would be visible. I decided even more bravely to make a lattice crust on top.

The result:

Not only was it not bad to look at for a novice, it was the best pie they had ever eaten.....better even than her mom's!!!


Just for the record,
here is the recipe I used.

Blogger Amy had this to say:

This sounds disgusting...no offense. But I'm sure you did a spectacular job at making it. Forgive me if I "pass" on trying any if you ever make it again. :)

5:54 AM 

Blogger soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:

I hate raisins - EXCEPT in my mom's Oatmeal Mac Cookies. But YAY for you making a good pie.

Go to iStock and pick some images for a new design and email me the links to them.

10:08 AM 

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