February 13, 2009
Signal Lights in Small Towns

Just what we needed in the adjacent town....one more signal light!
As if I am not running late enough in the mornings to get L'il C to school, the town her school is in has added one more signal light for me to get stopped at.
Although it is important for large towns to keep the main traffic areas moving and all of the lights stay green, it is not true in small towns. They are set up so that every other one will be green therefore forcing you to stop at every light. When one turns green the next will surely turn red before you get to it.These small towns want to make sure you stop by every store front to insure you see their town.
I finally got down the drive time and the short cuts so that even if I am pushing it the very minute, L'il C still slides in without a tardy. I can't get around this new light because it is at the edge of town and there isn't a side road bypassing it.
Sorry L'il C, you may start getting tardies!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:43 AM
Amy had this to say:
Kenneth said that was a spot that had frequent accidents which caused the new edition. I drove through it yesterday for the first time.
Lovely, isn't it? :)
- 5:57 AM
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