L'il C~
I can't believe you are eight years old today. My parents always said that the time would fly so enjoy being young. You are really excited that you are turning 8 on the 8th. That is pretty cool.
This year you have learned so much. Just the other day you picked up one of your first grade readers and exlaimed to me how easy those words are! Last year they weren't so easy. Your favorite thing this year to read is "chapter books" as you call them. Currently you are reading Anne of Green Gables. You give me updates as to what page and chapter you are on....moment by moment. I love the excitement in your eyes as you progress through the book with each page being an accomplishment! ...and it truly is you know!
Math is easy for you....but instead of taking your time you guess before reading the entire problem. We are working on getting you to slow it down just a bit.
Although you enjoy going to your dad's and seeing your brother, you are at the age where anyone younger than you is "annoying". Your brother follows you around everywhere and you are tired of it. But even though you 'act' tired of him, you wouldn't know what to do without him and you love him deeply. You are such an amazing big sister.
This year you also got a 'step' dad. It has been an adjustment on you but it is a positive one. You like Brad to be your personal playmate. You love it when he has pillow fights with you or when you push him off the couch. I am so thankful you love him so much and that he loves you very much as well.
Your enthusiasm for starting new things is impressive to me. I am still waiting for the day when you actually still enjoy what you started by the time you finish. You have started basketball this season and by game two you were ready to stop playing. So far though you have only lost one game and won 3. Stick with it Sweetheart!! I am so proud of you!
For Christmas this year, we redecorated your room. It was pink Strawberry Shortcake for the last 3 years. I was very tired of the pink. So, we went with ladybugs. We painted the walls white and accented everything with black and red.
You absolutely love it. You told me it was a 'more mature' room. Whew! Thank goodness. :)
This year you have fought for your independence more than ever. I won't lie....it is a struggle for me. I have had to be the one to make all of your decisions for so long, it is hard for me to let go. Slowly, but surely for the sake of both of our sanities, I am letting you make more and more decisions on your own....small ones of course. We don't want to go too crazy! :) This does require more teaching of consequences. As you learn to make your own decisions you are also learning the positive and negative consequences that occur from your choice. And although you want to be big enough to make your own choices, when the consequences are not in your favor you make sure I hear about it! ha ha.
This past year you have made known quite often what you don't like and what you can't stand. So for 2009 you are making a resolution to like more things. :)
Between your semi-grown up attitude and your new haircut you are becoming more and more of a young lady instead of a little girl. This is bittersweet for me.
Before school this morning we watched the video that we took on the day you were born. You opened one of your presents but are saving the rest for dinner tonight.
As you went to school today, I sent (upon your request) strawberry cupcakes with strawberry icing for your birthday. You were very excited about the special treatment your teacher was going to give you today as well; particulary the pencil she was going to give you and a hug from her.
Tonight you have selected Texas Roadhouse for your birthday dinner...you aren't spoiled rotten or anything! ha! You have been asking for steak dinners since you were little bitty.
Tomorrow you are going to have your very first slumber party. You can hardly wait.
Baby Girl, I hope you have the best birthday ever! You are so very precious to me. You will never comprehend the impact you have had on my life. The overwhelming love I have for you can not be measured. I absolutely love being your mom! Thank you for making me the happiest person on earth 8 years ago today and every moment since!
Happy 8th Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Lil' C!
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