He is 1 pound 6 ounces and is 7 weeks old. He is paper trained...thank goodness and slept all night long. What a good rat he is....I mean dog! He is so tiny the lady bought a ferret collar for him!
L'il C is extatic and whether Brad admits it or not, he too is already in love with the sweet thing!
You see Brad was adamantly against a dog. But I asked him to come with me to look at the puppy. He didn't want to go because he knew he would like him. And so..... we now have a dog.
...I hope he makes it at our home since he is so tiny!
UPDATE 2/9/09:
He is only partially paper trained! ugh! I have threatened to sell him 3 times.
His survival: I have stepped on him once and kicked him in the eye once. I almost cried. I felt really bad. Brad has knocked him off of the couch once. And I am not sure what L'il C actually did because she won't tell me but she too made him yelp once. Poor guy. But other than that he has survived 3 1/2 weeks.
OMG!!! he's only the cutest thing ever!!
Oh my gosh he is so cute! My cat would eat him for dinner... or accidentally roll over onto him.
Little nerd. :) I'm glad Simon liked him and didn't eat him for a snack. Woof.
I would be afraid of stepping on him! He's adorable. Is he going to get much bigger?
Canaan~ Thank you!
Jenn~Thank you! And yes, the lady that was going to keep him had 2 cats and they did try to eat him for dinner. :(
Amy~Yes, I would have been very sad faced if Simey ate him for a snack. The snacks you brought were indeed too cute. Tito was glad Aunt Amy liked him.
Candice~Thank you! Brad has already kicked him and he cried and ran away....Tito that is. He will be 5 pounds at most when he is fully grown.
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