March 13, 2009
The Crack of Dawn

Did anyone know that 4:30 came twice a day???? Apparently it does! One is mid-afternoon when my work day ends. The other happens to be the time right in between dozing off through a movie and my alarm going off in the morning. Who knew??

Well twice this week I found this time on my clock and I must say I wish it was by accident. But it wasn't. I actually meant to get up that early. And unless my husband is right and I got hit by the 'crazy train' I plan to continue doing this insane activity permanently.

What is that you ask?

Well, I have been waking up that early to go workout with my sister-in-law before work. We meet up there at 4:45 to work out on the Stride machines. At 5:30 we start on the ellipticals for 40 minutes and then off to tummy crunches. Believe it or not, I feel GREAT!

Her husband gets there at 4:00 since he has to be at work by 6:00. Holy freakin' cow. She is going to be out of town week after next and I actually slipped into greater insanity and told him in order to keep us on track, I would meet him there at 4:00 while she was gone.

Therefore, if I abruptly stop blogging, please know that I will look HOT but I died...
of insanity. Ha!

Blogger SaraLynn had this to say:

LOL.....that is insane! I get up at 6 to do yoga and pilates before the kids get up....I put the coffee on before I start so I am motivated to finish!

12:18 PM 

Blogger Starr had this to say:

WOW. I am AMAZED. Good for you. I think I might be willing to do something that insane if I was meeting way I would have the motivation to do it on my own though. Wish I lived closer!

2:14 PM 

Blogger Amy had this to say:

Congrats to me for getting up early today. :)

5:17 AM 

Blogger Sweet Yet Sassy had this to say:

SaraLynn~ I definitely need a motivation as well. Although I need an accountability partner. Coffee wouldn't quite cut it. :)

Starr~ Self-motivation is hard for me. If it weren't for meeting them it would.not.happen! Do you need me to move to Texas to help you get started? ....wait just move back here. Your family would like you closer I am sure. :)

Amy~Definite congrats for you meeting us there this morning. I wasn't quite sure if you would make it! ...Thanks for bowing as well. Definitely a touch of Amy for the morning. :)

11:04 AM 

Blogger Candice had this to say:

You. Rock! I have been getting up early - 6:00 to get my butt in the gym but I know I wouldn't have the drive to get up at 4:00! The results will be well worth it I'm sure!!

9:33 AM 

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