March 11, 2009
Spirit Week - Day Three - Camo

I realized last night at 9:30 that L'il C didn't have any camo. The past couple of years she had a shirt she could wear.....she outgrew that. So I made a quick trip up to Wallie World to see what I could find. Apparently, camo is only popular in the fall/winter, even in the south! I found one pair of boys shorts and one pair of boys swim trunks. :( They swallowed her little legs but it was all they had.

It is freezing today so I made her wear tights under the shorts. She.was.not.happy. I listened to her whine and complain about it long enough. Finally, I told her if she complained one more time she was going to wear her uniform and the camo was going back to the store.

Although she was thrilled to wear the fun clothes the last two days, the tights were enough to 'ruin her day' today. Ha! Oh well. I am not sacrificing my kids health for cuteness. (I would only do that if it was for me.) :)


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Spirit Week - Day Two - Twin Day
Spirit Week - Day One - Clash/Bad Hair Day
Climbing Toys at Food Establishments
Replacement Words
Human Food - The Dog's Choice
St. Patrick's Day Breakfast
Winter Jam and Movie Date
Raisin Pie
Mimicking New Words

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