March 09, 2009
Spirit Week - Day One - Clash/Bad Hair Day
Every year, the week before Spring Break, L'il C's school has Spirit Week or Spiritual Emphasis Week. They memorize a new scripture every day. They also have certain extracurricular activities they can participate in for fun and their class gets extra points. In the evenings these consist of no electronics, reading a book, leading the family in devotion, play a game as a family, etc. During the day, they can dress up according to the theme. If they don't dress up they have to wear their uniforms and what kid wants to do that??
Today was clash and bad hair day. L'il C was very excited about this.

Here we have a pink head band, an orange, green, and white shirt, a red velvet skirt, one St. Patrick's Day sock, one Hannah Montana sock, and two different shoes. :)
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:14 AM
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