June 08, 2007
Is that really in the Bible?!

L'il C tells me to have a seat that she wants to preach and tell me a story. So she sets the Bible down on the counter, opens it up somewhere in the middle and tells me that she can't read all of it so she is going to tell the story her own way. Now, she is actually very familiar with most of the stories so I am anticipating one that she knows.

However, it goes something like this....

"One day there was this little boy walking down the street. His name was, well we will just call him Tom. And he was walking with this little girl. Guess what her name was?? (With a look that says, you are really gonna be excited about this!) It was YOUR name mom, (insert my entire full name)!! And they met this other little girl named (L'il C's name). They were best friends and had met the day before. They were triplets."

Me-"Sweetie, they can't be triplets if they just met yesterday. Triplets are three babies born from the same mom at the same time."

"Oh! Well then they were just the 3 best friends walking down the street. Anyway, Tim, who is kinda like Tom only with an I instead of an O came along and he was their friend too. One of them was the really cute boy."

Me- "I want the cute one."

"Okay, you can have Tom, the cute one and I will take the dumb one!"

Me-LOL. "Why do you want a dumb one?"

"Okay, Tim can be the smart one. He knows everything. You can have the cute one and I will take the smart one."

End of story

I don't know about you, but I didn't realize that story was in the Bible. But just so you know.. Me and my daughter are in the Bible and you aren't!!! (Oh and I married the cute one!) Ha!

Blogger Just Me had this to say:

I'm so jealous that you and lil C are in the bible. I love the stories you tell about her they are so cute! She has a great imagination.

12:10 PM 

Blogger hollibobolli had this to say:

I love that you're in the bible!! If I send you my copy will you sign it???

That is so cute. I love it when Faith tells me about when I was a baby and she was big. WHA?

12:14 PM 

Blogger LITTLE MISS had this to say:

Um...I'm not sure WHAT you teach them at your vacation bible school...but I think you've got the wrong version!

; )

(but at least you married the cute one!)

12:56 PM 

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