October 22, 2007
This Blog Is Brought To You By Your Favorite Ringtone!
The Weekend Recap:This past weekend Mr. C and I took 12 kids to Youth Convention in OKC. We really enjoy working with the youth at your church.
(Yes, L'il Miss-We ARE at Braum's.) :)
Since we had a 12 passenger van and 15 people going, I drove my car and Mr. C drove the church van. L'il C went with us. (even tho she is 6, but I am in charge of her so I said she could - LOL) Except, L'il C pretty much refused to ride with me in the car. She wanted to ride with Mr. C in the van. Little Squirt! (When I told my mom this she commented that that was more than my sister and I would do! When I asked her what she meant by that she said 'you and Amy never wanted to ride in the van'. I said yes we did! We just didn't like to be taken to JUNIOR HIGH in the church van! - Because my dad tried to do that several times. LOL!)
Back to the story at hand...... I ended up having FOUR 12 year old girls in my car with me! Now 4 girls in a car is one thing....four TWELVE year olds is quite another! Two of them are quite witty and keep me laughing. One is very cute but nonstop talkative. (a.k.a. the A.D.D. Energizer Bunny!) And the 4th is....well I am still not sure how to describe her.
We got in the car and they asked if I could turn the radio on to a specific station. I did. Not 5 minutes later I hear this clashing music. They are all playing different ringtones from their phone........ I don't think they even noticed that I turned off the radio and for 2 hours we listened to the latest ringtone! It is amazing what entertainment new technology brings for a 12 year old!
(The four 12 year olds are on the left.)
L'il C and Mr. C having fun!

We walked down the riverwalk through Bricktown from the Convention Center to IHOP. It was very yummy.
The jokes that were made this weekend would only be funny if you were there but we did indeed have a good time.
Saturday, L'il C informed me that her boyfriend's football game was at 11:00 and we had made plans to go. Apparently, they are 3-0 but I am not sure that they won the game that we witnessed. For a 1st grader though, her boyfriend is good. He runs really fast and can dart in and out of those kids.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Saturday night we had our all church hayride. This is one of my favorite things to do. The weather was PERFECT! It was a little windy but it wasn't too cold or too hot.

We had hotdogs and marshmallows, we sang songs, and rode on the hayride. The kids played football and hide and seek. Fun times!
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:10 AM
Candice had this to say:
Four 12 year old for two hours - you're braver than I! That is such a fun age, though.
Driving you to school in a 15 person van - where your parents trying to torture you?! I remember one time my uncle was driving thru in his big rig and offered to drive me to my jr. high in it. I loved it! But not if it was a giant van.
- 9:13 AM
Amy had this to say:
Ugh! Thanks for reminding me of the days we got picked up in the beige church van. I don't know what was worse--that or the cattle trailer. Eek.
Glad you had fun at YC.
- 1:57 PM
doug had this to say:
hey why did you crop the last picture? lol
- 1:44 PM
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