October 10, 2007
The Fears We Have
Consider everything that you may be afraid of.....
Ever wonder why you are afraid of it?
Well I did for many years. I am very afraid of falling from heights. One day it was bothering me as to why this was. I have never fallen from a high place before. Then it hit me. When I was about 4 years old the man that my grandmother was married to at the time would hold me over balconies and in jest tell me he was going to drop me. He did this once at the zoo over the lion's den and once over the railing at my home that led to the basement. I would say that is good enough reason to cause trauma in a child to last a lifetime.
My daughter has a fear of going to the doctor. The day this happened I wondered if it would effect her and I truly believe it did! She was about 2 1/2 years old and there was a possibility that she had a urinary tract infection. She was too little too relax enough to pee in the cup. After several attempts, the doctor decided it was best to insert a catheter. For as long as I live, then and now I wished I had not consented. It scared her so bad that 3 nurses had to hold her down for him to insert it. It was enough to make me cry. I truly believe that is the reason she cries everytime she goes to the doctor. She doesn't remember that incident but I think her subconscious mind does. It is so sad.What are your fears? Do you know what may have triggered them?
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 2:56 PM
Candice had this to say:
I once saw a spider when I was on the phone and I called my neighbor and had him come kill it because I was honestly frozen in fear. It was ginormous.
- 3:34 PM
Catlin had this to say:
I'm afraid of mice, not the cute pet-ones but the pests-ones. I think it's because my bro and I woke up one morning when we were 3 and 5 and the mice ate his cardboard school project. It was eaten to itsy bitsy pieces. That scared/scarred me for life!
- 1:40 AM
Amy had this to say:
My biggest fear is dying in a car accident. This fear came about and grew tremendously starting with Mark's accident/death. It took a very long time after his death for me to be able to ride comfortably in a car without jumping/screaming out when something slightly appeared to be coming at my car.
- 6:02 AM
Just Me had this to say:
I'm afraid of trees in the winter right after a snow fall. I had a huge branch fall on me and for the longest time I couldn't even walk underneath trees at all.
- 7:13 AM
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