December 26, 2008
"I Still Believe"
Every child should have the chance to believe in fairytales and have dreams beyond reality. We have always played Santa at our house but I was fairly convinced that since L'il C will be eight in January that her friends or someone had spoiled it this year....and that was okay with me. Eventually I realize we all grow up.Brad and I had discussed this year that L'il C either still believed or was an incredible actress for our sake.But...... as Christmas Day unfolded we had our answer.L'il C and I made cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve. I let her decorate them. When we were finished with the cookies, L'il C looked up at me and said, "Mom, would you mind if we left some carrots for the reindeer? We don't want to leave them out.""You bet Kiddo!", I replied. "Do you know how many reindeer there are? I want to make sure I leave enough?""Uhm...." (trying to name them in her head)."I think there are 8 plus Rudolph makes 9.""Leave some extra just in case, Mom."I ended up only leaving nine carrots but I left them on Santa's plate of cookies.
We set them under the tree and we tucked her into bed. Before closing her eyes she asked, "What if I hear the sleigh bells again like I did last year?" I told her to stay tucked in bed because Santa won't come in if kids are out of bed. I also told her that she was not to come wake us up until she saw sunlight. :) She said, "Okay, but make sure you leave a pen and paper under the tree so Santa can write me a note back."
Brad and I watched a movie to make sure she was asleep before we put the rest of the presents under the tree, filled the stockings, and read her note to write her a note back from Santa. As we opened her note to read it I almost cried.
It said, "Dear Santa, I am sorry. I love you very much. Love, (L'il C)".
What in the world does this precious little girl need to apologize to Santa for???? I let it go for the moment and had Brad write her a sweet note back.
"Dear (L'il C), Thank you for being such a good girl this year. I am so proud of you for making good grades. Keep minding your parents. Thank you for the cookies and milk for myself and for the carrots for the reindeer. They loved them. I love you. Love, Santa Claus".
At 7:22 there she was standing at my side of the bed.
"Mom! Can we have Christmas now?"
She ran into the living room and she hollars back at me. "Mom!! He came! He came!!!"

After all of the presents were opened and we watched a movie, we ate barbecue ribs and baked potatoes for lunch. While we are eating I asked her what she had written to Santa Claus.
She looked down and immediately said, "I don't want to talk about it."
Great! This made me feel even worse.
After a tiny bit more prodding she finally told me what was bothering her.
"Some of the kids tried to tell me that Santa wasn't real. I believed them. But now I don't. I know Santa is real!"
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:05 AM
soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:
That is so darn sweet! Glad you had a Merry Christmas.
- 9:52 AM
Amy had this to say:
Little stinker, of course Santa is REAL!! :)
- 7:17 AM
Candice had this to say:
She is too cute! I'm glad that she had at least one more year of the magic.
- 10:44 AM
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