March 08, 2011
1st Shower for Baby A
My sister and mother did an incredible job hosting a shower for me with my close friends. Great food and fun decorations....and Amy only added just one cheesey game (her words). :D
My mom took these pictures so she didn't make it in any of them and I don't have the copies from the other cameras yet. I told her candid shots so most of the time people are making funny faces from talking.
Love, love, love my friends that took the time out of their busy schedules to spend time with me. It meant so much to me for them all to be there.

Amber, s-i-l Carolyn, & Cindy

Two of my sister-in-laws, Jaime & April is hiding her face. My m-i-l, Terri, is cracking up because everytime my mom tried to take a picture of her she was taking a picture of my mom.

Candace is cracking me up in this one.
Not sure if she is looking at the dog or stretching her baby bump.
Jaela, her 2 girls, Mickey, & Candace
Annette, Katie, & Starr
My awesome hostess and sister, Amy, playing the one cheesey game. :)

Love fun handmade gifts..thanks Katie!
(L'il C is patiently waiting for me to open her gift.)

Another fun gift my friend, Annette, made.

My sister-in-law appreciates my love for St. Patrick's Day!

The crib my wonderful family bought for us!!!! Love it!
I didn't want to load and reload it so they had it delivered to my house. :D

My most precious gift was from my daughter. She, with my mom's help, made this blanket for her sister. She picked everything out and hand darted all of the squares together. She was very excited for me to open this. It was perfect!!! Thanks L'il C.

Look how proud she she should be.

All the fun goodies, minus the crib, on my couch for Brad to see. :)

Most importantly, thanks to everyone that showed up. It wouldn't have been a fun party without you. Thank you as well for the fun gifts. I love them all.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 8:26 AM
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