March 01, 2011
Just one?!
** Preface:I haven't made many posts of the funny things L'il C says anymore because I didn't realize how much it embarrassed her and made her start being on the introverted side. I never ever wanted to do this to my child. I have tried to explain to her so many times that she is my joy and that when I laugh at the funny things she does, it is a good thing. And even more when I tell people the funny things she does it is because she makes my heart smile.Having said has been a while and she made me smile yesterday and I truly think that one day she will appreciate me documenting the funny things she said.So.....Yesterday after I picked her up from school I stopped by the house to get something. L'il C asked if that was all I was getting because she would stay in the car if it was. I told her no that I intended to let the dogs outside as well. She said in that case she was going to get out for a breath of fresh air.I told her to only take one. She said, "Huh?!" I told her that she had said she was going to take A BREATH of fresh air and for her to only take one. She laughed and said, "In that case, I am going to get out and take a multitude of breaths!" :D What kid says multitude? What grown up for that matter?? L'il C, I love you. You are so funny.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 7:59 AM
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