November 09, 2010
It's A..........

Our appointment was at 2:30 yesterday. We stopped by L'il C's school and surprised her by letting her go with us. She was super excited. I wanted her to be there if there was any chance the doctor was able to tell us the gender of our new baby.

At lunch that day I ate a bite of a brownie to insure that the baby was awake at the appointment and had some energy. I didn't want all of this anticipation to end in disappointment because it was tucked in a ball sleeping and I wouldn't find out what we were having. My daughter had cookies when I picked her up so I ate a bite of that as well. :)

We arrived and the nurse asked if it was possible to tell if we wanted to know. We all gave a resounding YES!!

The doctor came in and introduced himself to L'il C and they bantered back and forth a bit. It was funny as usual.

He asked what we were thinking the baby might be and we all said a boy. I told him that I had eaten sugar to wake up the baby. As he is looking at the ultra sound he said that I should have eaten something with "penis... paused as he realized my 9 year old daughter was sitting there....and then repeated "penis elongation" because it was not a boy...but was actually a GIRL!!

Indeed all of my witchcraft practicing friends were wrong. We will be having a sweet baby girl in May. :) None of us are disappointed. We are actually very excited just to know what it is to start planning the nursery. Brad just said this will give us a reason to try again. :D

When telling this story later to my mom, L'il C said that when the doctor looked at her after saying "penis" she should have looked at him and asked, "What is that?!?!" We started cracking up.

It was a very good day. We were pretty much shocked though that it was a girl since we had convinced ourselves that it would be a boy. L'il C just kept saying it over and over again. "My Mom is having a GIRL!!"

Blogger Lori had this to say:

Woo Hoo!! Shops always have more stuff for girls!
I can so hear Dr. N saying that.

10:11 AM 

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