March 12, 2008
School Zones

I completely understand the purpose of school zones: to make sure people slow down so that they won't run over a child.
However, my question is that IF the driver actually does realize there is a school zone and not in their own oblivion (texting, talking on the phone, talking to passengers, applying make-up, eating, etc.) are they more concerned with looking for a child that might cross the road OR are they scanning every location for a cop so that they don't get a ticket??
Just a thought I had while driving the correct speed and NOT in my own oblivion through a school zone yesterday but while scanning curiously for hidden cops.
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 9:27 AM
soapbox.SUPERSTAR had this to say:
I watched a sherrif's deputy SPEED right through a school zone the other day. It pissed me off.
- 2:49 PM
Just Me had this to say:
I'm one to slow down in a school zone. I had a Drivers Ed teacher that took us by where a few kids were hit while crossing the road then we drove past the person's house that hit them. It scared the crap out of me. I definitly look for cops though when I'm driving, just in case I'm going 21 mph.
- 8:40 AM
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