June 12, 2008
High School Musical 2 plus a Cameo

If you have a little girl you probably own High School Musical 2. If you own HSM2 then you have watched it at least 453 times! (anymore than that and I would have told you!) :)
L'il C has every song memorized and enjoys the entire movie thoroughly.
BUT on the very last song they play, just as the credits are about to begin, they have a bunch of kids playing around the pool. And instead of completely enjoying that last song she sits on the edge of her seat waiting for that one brief cameo of Miley Cyrus listed only as 'Girl at Pool' in the credits.
It is quite funny actually. ...maybe you would have just had to have been there?
link | posted by Sweet Yet Sassy at 11:18 AM
Amy had this to say:
She loves her some Hannah Montana I guess.
- 2:06 PM
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